Dumping your Pokémon using YABD

YABD is a small piece of software that dumps your boxes using an exploit in the 3DS webbrowser ('spider'). For this you need any 'old' 3DS, 3DS XL or 2DS with a firmware version between 9.0.0 and 9.5.0-22. A New 3DS will NOT work.


  1. Download the YABD code.bin and place it at the root of your SD card.
  2. Launch the game and load your save.
  3. Go to the home menu, but do not exit the game.
  4. Open the web browser and go to http://dukesrg.github.io/?code.bin. It is recommended that you bookmark this page.
  5. The browser will exit and you will be returned to the home menu.
  6. Exit your game.
  7. There is a new file boxes.bin at the root of your SD. Please do not backup these files to the KeySAVᵉ folder itself.
  8. Open this file in KeySAVᵉ to view your data.


If the browser does not exit or there is no boxes.bin on your SD card, please clear your history and cookies in the browser settings and try again. It it still does not work, try to initialize the your browser's save data.


Special credits go to SciresM on whose code this is based and Yifanlu for reversing Gateway and creating Spider3DSTools.

A final note to everyone who still uses this method

At the time of writing this it has been almost been a year since the spider exploits have been patched. If you are still using this, you have access to Homebrew and can downgrade to 9.2.0 and run a CFW which will still allow easy checking, but also allow you to use your 3DS online again. I recommend you follow Plailect's guide for this.

Back to the dumping overview!

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